SHIMLA-Vikramaditya Singh, Director of BoD,Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam (HPKVN), on Thursday officially inaugurated the HPKVN office at Software Technology Park of India, SDA Complex in...
SHIMLA- Ahead of HP Assembly Polls 2017, Himachal Pradesh Government has geared up to pat its own back through a special publicity campaign on completion of...
SHIMLA- Himachal Pradesh Government in coordination with the Indian Industrial Federation would organized three days State level Ayush fair from 26 to November 28, 2016 at historic...
SHIMLA- Himachal Pradesh Government, including the tenure of both major political parties, has achieved milestones in development of Himachal Pradesh but just in papers for decades....
SHIMLA- Himachal Pradesh Government has decided to enhance the rates of annuity of Gallantry awards. It was decided that the annuity of Kirti Chakra will be...
SHIMLA- Himachal Pradesh Marketing Corporation (HPMC) achieved the highest sales turnover of Rs. 72 crores during the financial year 2015-16 and registered an overall growth of...