Shimla-According to the Union Health Ministry, India is reporting a sharp spike in coronavirus disease (Covid-19). The nation has reported 33,750 new cases in the last...
Mandi-Prime Minister Narender Modi today addressed a rally at the Paddal ground in Mandi. The occasion was to celebrate what Chief Minister Jairam Thakur claimed to...
Shimla-Cabinet meeting of Himachal Pradesh Government was held on Monday. The Cabinet has decided to provide revised pay scales to about two lakh employees of the...
Shimla-Disabled students in Himachal Pradesh are still fighting for their rights to equal access to education. The insensitivity of and neglect by the state government have...
Dharamshala-A Commission for General Category in Himachal Pradesh – Samanya Varg Ayog- was formed within a few hours by the HP Government on Thursday. Chief Minister...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh has achieved the 100 percent target of the second dose of Covid vaccination, the State government informed on Sunday. Himachal Pradesh has become the...