Shimla-The Himachal Pradesh Excise and Taxation department collected Rs. 6421.55 crores towards government ex-chequer during the financial year 2018-19 against the target of Rs. 5860.63 crores....
Shimla– Himachal Pradesh Cabinet meeting was held on July 16, 2019, under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur The cabinet has recommended the Governor...
Shimla– The Himachal Pradesh Energy Conservation Building Code 2018 has been notified in the State to reduce energy consumption demand in commercial buildings. With this step, energy...
Shimla-Ignoring the appeals of the environmental groups and studies indicating devastating effects of hydro power projects on Himalayan ecology and on the lives of the locals,...
Shimla-Health Minister Vipin Singh Parmar said that the date for registration under the Himcare scheme has been extended up to 10 July 2019 so that maximum...
Shimla-Under a new Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) scheme, the rural youth would be given routes of 10-15 seater vehicles on dry lease, the Transport Minister...