Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Government has launched “e-Bhoomi Online System” in the state. This portal will provide the details of the individual land/property available for setting...
Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Government has withdrawn tax on all fruits and all vegetables under H.P. Taxation (on Certain Goods Carried by Road) Act, 1999. It’s...
Solan: On the intervening night of June 21 and 22, an SUV (HR -68 A-6061) fell off the Kasauli road in Gadkhal Tehsil of Solan district...
Shimla: As a step to make Public Distribution System more effective against diversions, leakages and inefficiency and to ensure benefit of subsidy to the genuine beneficiaries,...
Shimla: About 2131 bank branches and 1879 bank mitras were catering to the needs of the people in far-flung areas of the State. Each branch of...
Hamirpur: Today on June 16, 2018, the Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur laid the foundation stone of 250-bedded hospital of Dr Radhakrishnan Government Medical College, Hamirpur....