Shimla-Himachal Pradesh has reported its first confirmed case of the Omicron variant. The 45-year-old a woman hails from the Mandi district and had a travel history...
Shimla-Scrub Typhus in Himachal Pradesh has killed six people this year between January to October. According to a Spokesperson of the HP Health Department, a total...
Shimla-Though number of daily Covid cases in Himachal Pradesh remains low, the fatality numbers are still in two digits. On Wednesday, according to the state health...
Shimla– The official statistics released by the Himachal Pradesh Health Department for Sunday showed a sharp decline in daily cases. Only 357 cases were reported. However,...
Shimla-The second wave of the coronavirus pandemic in Himachal Pradesh has been harsher in the State. According to the HP Health Department’s statistics, 58403 cases were...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh’s tally of COVID-19 cases is fast heading towards the 2000 mark as the number, as well as, the rate of appearance of new cases...