Shimla-A meeting of the Cabinet, Himachal Pradesh Government, was held on May 2, 2020. The Government took several decisions including relief/support to various departments as well...
Shimla-State Government on Tuesday informed that various concessions to industrial, commercial including the tourism sector, agriculture and other electricity consumers in the State would be given...
SHIMLA- Electricity will cost more by 15-20 paise per unit for domestic consumers in Himachal Pradesh with the state electricity regulatory commission passing the increased rates...
Making complaints and demanding the Govt for facilities do work. Here is one example. HW had asked Shimla MC and HPSEB to provide functional streetlights on...
SHIMLA: We had many torturous experiences with various departments of Himachal government, but this case deserves a special mention. The good news is that Shimla MC...
After regular complaints that HW had submitted, Shimla MC finally replaced many poles, which had become a risk to the people using a narrow path from...