Shimla: The portfolios of Himachal Pradesh Cabinet Ministers were re-shuffled extensively along with the induction of three new Ministers – Rakesh Pathania, Sukh Ram, and Rajinder...
Shimla-A complete lockdown in Himachal Pradesh won’t be practical, the Chief Minister Jairam Thakur said while interacting with media at Peterhoff today, however, he did not...
Shimla-The number of COVID-19 cases is rising at an alarming rate in Himachal Pradesh as for the past five consecutive days, the state had been reporting...
Shimla-The State Government and its Ministers have woken up after a staff member of the Chief Minister Office tested positive on Wednesday. With this close encounter...
Shimla-The city in State capital Shimla that remained unaffected from COVID-19 has now begun to report more cases with the advent of labourers/workers who arrived from...
Shimla-As the relaxation in entry and quarantine rules for migrant labourers seems to be backfiring, the Chief Minister Jairam-led Himachal Pradesh Government has come into a...