Shimla-Ex-IGP Zaidi who was under custody for last 19 months has been granted Bail in Kotkhai Custodial Death by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on Friday, 5th April...
As per a fresh report of a national media channel News18, the accused is alleging four more people involved in the rape and murder of the...
Shimla: While all eyes will be on the status report to be submitted in the Himachal Pradesh High Court in Gudiya gangrape and murder case, the...
Ashish Chauhan, the first accused arrested by the HP Police SIT was already given bail on October 14. On October 17, all remaining accused were also...
The defense lawyer, however, convinced the magistrate to decline further remand and to send all eight accused to 14-day judicial custody. The defense said that the...
Shimla: The arrest of Himachal Pradesh Police officials including the Inspector General of Police, Zahur H Zaidi, and negative reports of DNA testing have put the State...