SHIMLA- Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh yesterday said that Government had approved new lift water supply scheme for Shimla town amounting to Rs. 250 crore from Kol...
SHIMLA- MLA Balbir Singh Verma’s illegal construction of a ramp on the name of public path made on encroached land had made news in a daily...
SHIMLA-As an unfortunate news for animal activists and lovers, the Union Government has acceded the demand of Himachal Pradesh Government, and declared Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta)...
Bags will be given to tourist at Parwanoo barrier for Rs 40 apiece because tourists tend to throw away waste, including wrappers, waste packets, used bottles...
SHIMLA- Yesterday, Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh inaugurated the five floor parking-cum-commercial complex at Chhota Shimla. The much awaited and much needed complex was built at cost...
It is a case of sheer lack of proper planning. A phrase is ‘measure twice cut once’. It means plan and prepare thoroughly before taking action...