Shimla-Inter-state bus services in Himachal Pradesh would resume operation from July 1st, informed Transport Minister Bikram Singh on Tuesday. After the imposition of the Corona curfew...
Shimla– Himachal Pradesh Government has notified new guidelines for phase five of the lockdown. The relaxation in curfew hours has been increased to 14 hours daily....
Shimla– The Department of Transport, Himachal Pradesh, has issued notification confirming nod to restoring public transport within the State from June 1, 2020. The transport services...
Shimla-A review meeting of Cabinet Sub Committee was held on May 202, 2020, under the chairmanship of Jal Shakti Minister Mahender Singh. The members of the...
Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Cabinet, in its meeting held today, has decided to increase minimum bus fare in the State. Now, the minimum bus fare will...
The Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh said that we should maximize the use of Public transport so that the use of individual vehicles could be minimised thereby...