Shimla-During the last two days, Himachal Pradesh has reported 1247 cases with 12 fatalities. These cases include hundreds of teachers and students, especially in Mandi district....
Shimla- On the verge of becoming a COVID-19 free State four days ago, now the graph of positive cases is again rising fast for Himachal Pradesh....
Shimla-After reporting its first case on Monday, Mandi district on Tuesday reported its second COVID-19 positive case and the State reported its second death. As per...
Mandi-Court has rejected the bail plea of 24 villagers, who were booked and arrested in the case relating to brutality against an 80-year-old woman in an...
Mandi-The case relating to the heinous and barbaric incident in Samahal village, Sarkaghat of Mandi district, in which an 80-year-old lady was declared a sorceress and...
Mandi-In a shocking incident of superstitiousness, an elderly woman in Sarkaghat area of Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh, was allegedly persecuted mercilessly for religious reasons by mob...