Himachal’s first video gaming tournament, ‘Game-Out’, received a warm welcome from young and talented gamers. Himachal Watcher had the honor of being official media partners of...
Himachal’s first video gaming tournament, ‘Game-Out’, received a warm welcome from young and talented gamers.
The city of Shimla is going to be rocked by the juggernaut of gamers on 14 and 15th September as young geeks take gaming to the...
SHIMLA-The whole space inside the rain shelter at MLA crossing is full of evidences which speak of uselessness of building a rain shelter at a spot...
In case, you haven’t yet received any opportunity to axe green jungles of Shimla like DLF, a real estate tycoon, or you think you haven’t got...
HP University, the nursery of future political party workers of Himachal, witnessed a thrilling day on August 17. A ‘HW Community’ member spent a full day...