Despite ban on the highly controversial documentary shot by BBC is finally available on YouTube. Directed by filmmaker Leslee Udwin, India’s Daughter documents interviews of Jyoti...
In the letter published on NDTV, the former Delhi chief minister acknowledged that those who had voted for the party in the 2013 poll had to...
In addition to the healthcare budget, the finance ministry has also ordered a spending cut for India’s HIV/AIDS programme by about 30 percent to 13 billion...
HPCA Stadium (Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium) is a cricket stadium located in the city of Dharamshala in the lap of the snowcapped Dhauladhar ranges of...
It is like a captain witnessing his ship’s wreck and things turn even haunting when one understands the seriousness of the consequences. I am of no...
After what happened in Uttarakhand, rains in Himachal aren’t pleasant anymore. More than 10,000 said to be dead in Uttarakhand, and God knows how many are...