Shimla-Rumours of child-lifter gangs in Himachal Pradesh has created panic among the public and are causing huge law and order trouble for the police. These rumours...
Shimla-Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur paid tributes to Arun Jaitley during the “Shradhanjli” function held in the historic Gaiety Theatre on August 28, 2019. HP State...
Shimla-The recent report in media regarding leasing out of HPTDC hotels to private investors and recruitment of outsiders in government jobs have led the state government...
Kullu-Kullu Police has arrested three more people in the case relating to the circulation of an obscene video. The female and male visible in the video...
Shimla-A proposal to lease out hotels of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (HPTDC) appeared a couple of days ago on a website for ‘Rising Himachal Global...