Mandi-Tourists in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh reportedly assaulted two locals following a spat on Friday night. One of the tourists was carrying a sharp-edged weapon...
Shimla-While the Himachal Pradesh Government has put the vaccination of the 18-44 year age group on hold till July 9, voices demanding vaccination of all students...
Shimla-Protests over rising inflation in Himachal Pradesh has begun amid silently rising, fuel bills, food prices, and prices of other essential commodities. Prices of diesel are...
Shimla-Delta Plus Variant has entered Himachal Pradesh. The first case was detected on June 30 in the samples taken from the Indian Institute of Himalayan Bio...
Shimla-Temples and religious places have re-opened in Himachal Pradesh, inter-state public transport resumed operation with 317 buses allowed to ply on about 500 routes, and most...