New Delhi-Amid war hysteria created by warmongers and several media houses using unconfirmed reports from unconfirmed sources and even playing fake video clips, the Indian defence...
New Delhi- Foreign Secretary of India, Vijay Gokhale, on 26 February 2019 issued an official statement on the air strike on JeM training camp at Balakot...
Shimla-The FCI Aravali Gypsum and Minerals India Limited (FAGMIL) has taken up a project to establish a white cement plant near village Nohra Dhar in Sirmour...
Shimla-Chief Minister Jairam Thakur on February 25, 2019, informed that Himachal Pradesh has signed 159 Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) at a ceremony held under H.P. Global...
Shimla-A meeting of the Himachal Pradesh Cabinet was held on February 25, 2019, under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur. Among important decisions taken...