Shimla-Amidst the ongoing battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, Himachal Pradesh Government has decided to hold exams for various Under Graduate classes. The HPU has released the...
Shimla- Vaccination in Himachal Pradesh with revised guidelines would commence today. The vaccination would be available free of cost to all 18 plus people at Government...
Shimla–Kotkhai’s Gudiya case has officially concluded for now as the lone accused of raping and murdering a schoolgirl was sentenced to life imprisonment on June 18....
Shimla-The Editors Guild of India on Thursday condemned the filing of First Information Reports (FIRs) by the Uttar Pradesh Police against The Wire and several other...
Shimla-Revised guidelines for vaccination in Himachal Pradesh were issued by the state government today. The revision followed the new guidelines issued by the Centre government for...