Shimla-Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur paid tributes to Arun Jaitley during the “Shradhanjli” function held in the historic Gaiety Theatre on August 28, 2019. HP State...
Shimla-Cracks on the historic Shimla Ridge Maidan appeared again this monsoon. The Shimla Municipal Corporation, as usual, has filled these fresh cracks with cement and charcoal,...
SHIMLA- Don’t mistake activity with achievement is the only thing that rings a bell after watching the final product of Children Theater camp’s production Students of...
Snowfall is never enough for the capital city Shimla, no matter how many times it snows in a season. Tourists are always up to walk on...
SHIMLA– If you remember, last year, HW had published an article on a local artist,Mr. Virender Gautam, a retired govt. employee. We had also showcased some...
Majority of the plays failed to appeal to the spectators for one reason or another Shimla -In the yet another week of the ongoing 23 days...