SHIMLA- Transport Minister G.S. Bali launched Himachal Pradesh Road Accident Data Management System (RADMS) in a function organized by Himachal Pradesh Road Infrastructure and Development Corporation...
SHIMLA- On June 15, an 8-years old girl was crushed by a HRTC bus at Nadukhar village in Basantpur, Shimla. She was dragged to a distance...
SHIMLA- A local private bus driver (HP -63B- 6700) almost killed my friend today. The bus drivers are always racing each other. They are always in...
Dear Mr Bali Sir, I am writing to you for the purpose of raising a public grievance around the shabby and pathetic condition of the HRTC...
SHIMLA- A couple of days ago, new low-floor urban buses started operating on new ISBT to old ISBT Shimla route. The buses are centre of amazement...
SHIMLA- Today, an Alto 800 collided with a truck on a sharp curve near Town and Country Planning in Vikasnagar. The front of the car was...