The maximum number of MLAs with criminal background came from the BJP at 18(41%) out of total 44 elected MLAs Shimla: It is of utmost importance...
Also decided to make suitable amendment in HP ceiling on Land Holding act to allow religious institutions availing exemption from the ceiling limit to sell, gift...
Gaddi people and community leaders openly warned the Chief Minister of dire consequences in the next assembly polls if he did not apologize. Shimla – The...
Today, the state of Himachal Pradesh is done with the polling for the elections for the state legislative assembly. The public of Himachal surpassed the previous...
Yesterday, the PM shuffled the cabinet a bit and introduced 7 new faces and three-time legislator and two-time MP from Himachal Pradesh, Chandresh Kumari Katoch, is...
A few glimpses of Congress leader Virbhadra Singh’s visit to the Boileauganj party office yesterday evening. Yesterday, the party office of Congress at Boileaugnaj, a small...