Shimla: The eight arrested officials of the Himachal Pradesh Police including Inspector General of Police, Zahur H Zadi, and DSP Theog, Manoj Joshi, were sent on...
Shimla: The arrest of Himachal Pradesh Police officials including the Inspector General of Police, Zahur H Zaidi, and negative reports of DNA testing have put the State...
Shimla: The Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh is completely cornered by the oppositions over alleged conspiracy in the investigation conducted by Himachal Pradesh Police in the gangrape...
Shimla: As another blow to the claims of Himachal Pradesh Police regarding the arrest of six accused relating to the gangrape and murder of a minor...
Shimla: As the biggest and a stunning development in the ongoing investigation of in the gangrape and gruesome murder of a minor girl in Kotkhai region...
Culprit teacher enjoys an influential background and pressurized the parents of the girl to hush up the matter. Police also confirmed that the parents were not...