Shimla-Amidst the ongoing battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, Himachal Pradesh Government has decided to hold exams for various Under Graduate classes. The HPU has released the...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh University has finally issued tentative date-sheets for the Under-Graduate examinations for the current session. The exams will start on August 17 and end on...
Shimla-Schools and higher education institutions are ‘temples’ where the future of children and youth is shaped. Imparting quality education is elementary to strengthen the society of...
Shimla-The Himachal Pradesh University recently declared the results of M.Sc Geography IV semester examination held in June 2019. Students of St. Bede’s College, Shimla, has bagged...
Shimla-Elections to the Students Central Association of Himachal Pradesh University would be held on a nomination basis, and there would be no direct elections. The decision...
This will not only mean loss of enrolment for various courses offered by the International Centre for Distance Education and Open Learning (ICDEOL) of the HPU...