It’s not more than a few weeks that HW wrote regarding a school building in the Mandi district that was built 4-5 years ago, but stood...
A school building in the Mandi district was built 5 years ago, but didn’t even witnessed a single class. The wastage of the funds is nothing...
सेवा में उपायुक्त, मंडी जिला मंडी महोदय , आज दिनांक 18.08 2012 को हिमालयन विकलांग कल्याण संस्था जिला मंडी की जिला प्रधान हेमलता पठानिया ने तहसील...
Huge projects such as the Himalayan Ski Village in Manali, are likely to boost the development of tourism industry in Himachal, but might result in ecological...