Shimla– Himachal Pradesh continues to report a surge in daily COVID-19 cases and fatalities. On Thursday, the number rose to 315 with two fatalities. Una district...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh has reported seven COVID-19 deaths in the past two days with a surge in new cases. Four deaths were reported on Wednesday itself, taking...
Shimla-Sudden spike in new COVID-19 cases Himachal Pradesh has raised concerns as case and death tallies are rising again. State has reported six COVID-19 deaths in...
Shimla-A surge in the number of daily COVID-19 cases in Himachal Pradesh continues as 182 new cases were recorded today. The COVID-19 death toll has also...
Shimla-COVID-19 cases in Himachal Pradesh is again on the rise after a short span of relief. For the last couple of months, the number of daily...
Shimla-Mission Director National Health Mission, Himachal Pradesh, Dr. Nipun Jindal yesterday informed that 25th February 2021 will be the last date of the mop-up round for the...