Shimla-With his wife and his three-year-old-daughter Arvind, an NRI, had to travel to Delhi from Shimla and then back from Delhi to Shimla, risking their lives...
Shimla-A 2-year-old girl in Chamba district, a person in Kangra , and a woman in Una were tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday. Today, Himachal has...
Shimla-The Himachal Pradesh Government held a meeting on May 8, 2020, under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur. The Government has decided to hike...
Hamirpur– As another shock to Himachal Pradesh, one more person has tested positive for COVID-19. The man had recently returned to Badsar in Hamirpur, his native...
Shimla- On the verge of becoming a COVID-19 free State four days ago, now the graph of positive cases is again rising fast for Himachal Pradesh....