Shimla– In the Solan shooting incident, in which a 35-years-old man was murdered by three unknown assailants, the district police issued sketches of the two suspects...
Shimla- In Kotkhai gang-rape and murder case, police has detained two more suspects on Saturday, who were brought to the Rippon Hospital, Shimla for medical in...
SHIMLA- Himachal Pradesh Government and Police has come under pressure as public continue to take to streets protesting over spine chilling case in which a 16-year-old...
SHIMLA– Cold-blooded murder of a minor school-girl after rape in Kotkhai Tehsil, Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh, created stir among locals as well as administration. According to...
MANDI- Dead body of a 22-years-old forest guard, who was missing from last five days, was found hanging upside down from a tree in a forest...
SHIMLA– Himachal Pradesh wasn’t crime free, but recently the number of even most heinous crimes is increasing. In another such case, on Tuesday, a 7-year-old girl...