Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Government on May 17, 2020, officially announced the extension of the lockdown till May 31. The announcement came after the Ministry of Home Affairs...
Hamirpur-The demise of a 52-year-old COVID-19 patient in Hamirpur on May 15, 2020, has taken the tally of deaths due to coronavirus to three in Himachal...
Mandi-Manoj Kumar of village Tour Jajar, Tehsil Dharampur of Mandi district, was working in Riyadh of Saudi Arabia and was tested positive for COVID-19. After test and...
Free food grains supply to Migrants for 2 months. Technology system to be used enabling Migrants to access PDS(Ration) from any Fair Price Shops in India...
Shimla-In what appears to be the second wave of COVID-19 in Himachal Pradesh, the number of total cases by May 14, 2020, jumped to 74, out...
Shimla-Himachal Pradesh Cabinet held a meeting on May 13, 2020. The Cabinet gave its approval to exclude income tax payers from drawing benefits of subsidy under...