Yesterday, an HW member visited HPU campus to see how the administration responded to the campaign, and what he found was a real unfortunate sight, which...
What began as a peaceful agitation for student rights was unexpectedly transformed into a conflict by the state machinery yesterday. Today, the scenario is such that...
Some mainstream media offshoots believe in delivering sensationalized news to provoke public excitement and interest at the expense of news accuracy. Case in point a Hindi...
Following prevalent condition in the State University somewhat closely, I have been pulled by curiosity to learn who is actually interested in using the university for...
Reporting today’s student protest against massive fee hikes and for not conducting SCA elections, a newspaper reported (Online Update) that ‘police cane charge after students scramble...
SHIMLA-HPU campus is echoing with protesting voices against anti-student policies formed by HPU authorities under the leadership of Vice Chancellor Prof. ADN Bajpai. These voices are...