Shimla-A complete lockdown in Himachal Pradesh won’t be practical, the Chief Minister Jairam Thakur said while interacting with media at Peterhoff today, however, he did not...
Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Government is under fire for giving a shock to the public by approving a hike of 25 percent in bus fare instead...
Shimla-In a time when the corona pandemic is haunting India as well as the entire world and a huge amount of budget is being allocated for...
Shimla– Ahead of elections to the Delhi Assembly in February 2020, the Election Commission of India has ordered the removal of Union Minister Anurag Thakur’s removal...
Shimla-While foul remarks and hate-speeches from political leaders have become common, the standards of political sloganeering dipped to a level where a member of Council of...
Shimla- The elections to the post of Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Municipal Corporation, Shimla, were held on December 18, 2019. Bharatiya Janata Party’s Satya Kaundal and...