Shimla: In an extravagantly orchestrated oath-taking ceremony today, Bhartiya Janata Party’s 52-years-old leader Jairam Thakur sworn in as the new Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh alongwith...
The oath-taking ceremony of Thakur on the historic Shimla Ridge Maidan will be attended by the Prime Minister, BJP Chief Amit Shah, and over a dozen...
Despite a win with a thumping majority, the belligerent and boisterous scene at the Peterhoff, Shimla, yesterday made things more complicated for the BJP high-command. Shimla:...
As per unofficial reports, in an effort to convince him to step back, Dhumal is said to have received assurances offering Rajya Sabha seat or post...
SHIMLA- In regard to case of assault on councillor in Shimla town, four arrested men have been released on bail after questioning. Yesterday, Shimla Police had...
SHIMLA-While BJP is claiming their booth-level workers’ gathering ‘Tridev Sammelan’ in district Solan a huge success, the Congress has termed it a flop-show. The Chief Minister...