SHIMLA-After regular complaints from HW Community, Vikasnagar has finally received some relief from risky, slippery and damaged steps on a path, which was completely in pitch...
SHIMLA-It looks like people these days aren’t pleased with God. Therefore, to express their anger against gods, they are littering all the temples with stinking stamps...
After regular complaints that HW had submitted, Shimla MC finally replaced many poles, which had become a risk to the people using a narrow path from...
In reference to advertisement No. MCS/COMM/EU/2013-465, dated 17.04.2013, given below is the list of shortlisted candidates against the advertised positions who are called for a personal...
The state Government has recently approved the City Sanitation Plan of Shimla city and to make it a successful plan the Municipal Corporation Shimla has initiated...
HW recorded the miserable condition of two main roads connecting HP University and lower Summer hill. Shimla MC and Councilor of Summer hill ward didn’t move...