Prominent leaders like Prakash Chaudhary, Thakur Singh Bharmouri, Kaul Singh Thakur, Ravinder Ravi, Satpal Satti, Maheshwar Singh, Sudhir Sharma, and Viplov Thakur faced the wrath of...
Despite the fact that HP PWD is the most infamous government department for delivering poorest quality road infrastructure/maintenance, the Chief Minister claimed the road connectivity is...
Shimla: The day of judgement has arrived for Himachal Pradesh as the voting begins in 68 constituencies from 8:00 AM today. Total 337 candidates including 19...
Not only the Chief Minster felt insulted, but he left the desk without completing his address. However, he did rebuke the workers in an angry tone....
As it appears, Dhumal could not ignore this bait. The government employees and unemployed youth would be the deciding voter bank in the elections to the...
Shimla: As the round of nomination filing is over, the round of opinion polls have been kicked off by the media. A huge chunk of it...