SHIMLA-After recent, brutal, insensitive assault by police, HPU students again came out to bear canes, kicks, and abuse of HP Police, over 70 of which were...
SHIMLA-Today was the day when students would burn CM’s effigy as a protest, but unlike other days, this time police was seen putting more efforts to...
Life in the Himachal Pradesh University does not seem coming on track anytime in the near future, courtesy the political gimmick played by the State government,...
The Congress Govt. is withdrawing now, but still it’s trying to collect credit for its representative student organization at HPU, NSUI. SHIMLA- The HPU campus student...
What began as a peaceful agitation for student rights was unexpectedly transformed into a conflict by the state machinery yesterday. Today, the scenario is such that...
Some mainstream media offshoots believe in delivering sensationalized news to provoke public excitement and interest at the expense of news accuracy. Case in point a Hindi...